胡氏這一茶 - Wu’s FavTea (南糯山古樹)



商品描述 南糯山古樹 產地:雲南 年份:2020 茶葉種類:古樹熟茶 重量:7克/片,12片/罐 產品特點:古樹普洱是野生全天然,熟茶可以和胃、寧神、促進腸道健康等。可加上菊花或陳皮,別有一番風味。 Product description NanLuoShan Ancient Tree Pu-erh Origin : Yunnan, China Year : 2020 Type of Pu-Erh : Ripe Weight : 7g/pc, total 12pcs Feature : This Ancient tree Pu-erh is organic and made from ancient wild tea trees. Ripe Pu-erh not only warming the stomach, can also calms the mind, as well as benefiting our digestion. Pu-erh go best with ChenPi or chrysanthemum, the taste is extraordinary. 注意事項: - 凡惠顧任何產品均送茶葉試用(隨機) - 購物滿$500免本地運費 - 本地付款請盡量使用PayMe / FPS / 銀行入數 - Paypal付款需額外加收3.9%+2.3手續費(由Paypal收取) PayMe : payme.hsbc/favtea FPS : 0924860 恒生銀行(Hang Seng Bank) :369-385919-883 (Favtea Company) *********Worldwide shipping (flight collect) *********

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